Step {{c.step}} of 6

Email address is required

Please enter a valid email.

Email address is invalid or already registered

Confirm Email Address is required

Email and Confirm Email do not match

Device ID is required

Device ID must be numeric

Device ID should be 9 characters

Device ID should be 9 characters

Device ID is invalid or already registered

The name you would like to use for this device, if none is provided the Device ID will be used and can be changed later.

Device Name cannot exceed 25 characters

Device Name cannot contain '[ ] { } ^ + -'

First Name is required

First Name cannot exceed 128 characters

Last Name is required

Last Name cannot exceed 128 characters

Phone number is not valid

If a leak is detected you will only receive notifications via email
Message and data rates apply for any SMS messages sent to you by Sentinel Hydrosolutions. Your carrier’s standard messaging rates apply to your message, our confirmation and all subsequent correspondence and/or transmissions. You may receive messages on your phone or mobile device, which may cause you to incur usage charges or other fees or costs in accordance with your wireless or data service plan. All charges are your sole responsibility and billed by and payable to your mobile service provider. For questions about text message rates and costs, you should contact your mobile service provider.

Country is required

Address is required

Address cannot exceed 128 characters

Address 2 cannot exceed 128 characters

City is required

City cannot exceed 50 characters

StateProvince is required

Postal Code is required

Postal Code is invalid

Time Zone is required

Password must:
  • Be between 6 and 24 characters long
  • Contain at least one of !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,)
  • Contain no invalid symbols
  • Contain at least one number
  • Contain uppercase and lowercase characters

New password is required

Password does not meet required complexity

New password must be confirmed

The new password and confirmation password do not match

Password cannot exceed 24 characters

Please review, to the end of each document, both our Terms of Use Agreement and Privacy Policy in the boxes below and accept in order to create your account.
Privacy Policy
Terms of Use
By checking here you indicate that you have read and agree to our Terms of Use Agreement and Privacy Policy

To register you must read and agree to our Terms of Use Agreement and Privacy Policy

Thank you for registering your device with Leak Defense. You should receive an email shortly with a link to complete your registration.
An error has occurred, please contact customer support at 866-410-1134 with the below details.